I write this blog as the clock on my computer strikes midnight on Christmas day. It's really my first blog with no real topic, just some thoughts of a really lost idiot. Before the last few months, i've been a kid, i had a sense of purpose, going to school, getting the marks, keeping my parents happy and trying to get a few prizes in some contests, All was great, i did well in my boards, got my marks, came out well, when it all started. Pretty good marks, i guess, 93% compared to whatever i used to get. My parents were happy, my grandparents were happy, but I wasn't. I knew that i had studied only like a few weeks before the boards and I really didn't give that much into it, because i had friends getting up at odd hours in the morning and studying that lameass social studies chapter like months before and they ended up nearly missing the 90% they expected. It was a sense of joy, maybe, a sense of anger at the system, a sense of empathy for my friends, because it was ususally me who's getting the least marks. It's still there though, after almost a year after, less in magnitude, maybe i don't remember. It's a really different feeling. Then college selection. Christ Junior, from the beginning. Why? EXITE! what does it mean? It's a intra-college fest. In that, the BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!! The love affair with music began when my dad put in a mixed tape in our car, It had like five songs, i think. From which i remember two. The first, my dad recognized right away, I remember it was Highway star by Deep Purple. But that wasn't what i was intereseted in. There was a song, with these crazy blues solos and these crazy keyboard and these crazy vocals, my dad didn't remeber which song it was, but i decided from that day on, that i would learn to play that song on the guitar, so i started learning, by the way, i still haven't learnt how to play it. A few songs and two teachers later, i typed in the entire song on the Google search thing and it finally came! The song was Lazy by Deep Purple. I immediately used limewire to download it and listened to it like a million times, seriously! Then i went on to discover Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Hendrix, Dylan, Santana, and the whole family. I still can't start to explain what that song created in me. So anyway, Christ junior, I got in! the marks helped. Bummer, really strict place, Dress codes, Lab rules, rules for this, rules for that. I met Partha though on the first day, Awesome guitarist, we started the band, looking all around and everything, we thought a lot alike, Except that he listened to Metal and i listened to everything but. Heck, we got along, we even got confused for brothers! We met these guys from arts, This great girl who listened to everything classic and had a great voice and was equally lost maybe more, her name was kartika. Kenneth, drummer, seemed great in the beginning, but well, turned psyco towards the big day. We went through a lot!! And i mean A LOT!! as a band, as individuals, the drummer and the vocalist had a really intimate thing going, Kenneth had a new girlriend like everyday, Kartika's tastes was way different from Partha's, I was stuck in between, Anurag came in, we made him sing vocals for Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits, He then quit because he was chosen to host the battle of the bands, Nikhila, semi-goth girl, really silent, we took her as the keyboards, she quit because her mom was scolding or so she said, Anusha, was appointed new keyboards and had a fight with Kenneth and quit, Sushil came in and he played keyboards finally. The day before the show, we had practiced nothing, absolutely nothing, when Kenneth comes upto us and says that he wont be playing for us at the show. We tried to convince him, but he had something strange in his head. Partha went into an emotional breakdown, i was okay because i knew that after all we had been through, he wouldn't do this, The day came, we were thinking of quitting, but Kenneth showed up and said he'll drum for us. We decided the setlist there; Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers for Acoustics and Sultans Of Swing by Dire Straits and a composition called exhigent heart. Decided an hour before the show. First run, acoustics, Kartika lost her pitch, and the rest went okay. Then right after, Electrics, we didn't have time to recover, we went on stage, a bunch of proud idiots, we knew nothing, we didn't know what monitors were, or anything else. I went on stage, my first string snapped; MY FIRST STRING SNAPPED!!! i ran out got another gutiar, Devang's Ibanez, plugged it in, we started Sultans of Swing. The Gods started their thing too. My guitar wasn't heard. Partha's ESP LTD EC1000 was distorted, the vocalist wasn't heard, the keyboard wasn't heard. Okay, no problem, lets move on to the next embarassment. The own comp. partha's guitar strap snapped, he played the song while sitting on the stage floor. Kartika was jumping all over the place, I didn't know what was going on, was it the chorus, the verse?? what the hell, SOLO!! i lost timing, so did Kenneth, Kartika was still jumping. before we knew it, it was over. We came out and didn't look at each other, quietly collected all our things, headed out. Few of them said it was okay, all of them said it was awesome, they were just being nice. We were one of four bands playing that day, and we came third. Considering the other band which didn't make it played a 'remix' of zombie by the Cranberries and a wannabe deathmeatal tune called 'psycopomp'. Third was as good as last, it was anyway, as we didn't get anything, we weren't really qualified for representing the college. But anyways, The TISB fest came up. The other two bands which were supposed to go had to participate in our Coll's fest, so we were sent. hurrah!. Not really. We decided to do Slither by Velvet Revolver, Kartika declared that she wouldn't waste her talent singing metal. So, they made me Vocalist, Yay!! i was wanted to sing! The lineup remained the same, except we had Salim on Base. Both bad ideas. We went there, nothing went wrong with our instruments this time, we just screwed it up, more like i screwed it up. What was i thinking!! There were people screaming "change your vocalist" at the show, people were burying their heads under the chairs, we made ourselves asses in front of snobby international kids!! That was kinda the end for us. Oh yeah, the band name, It was so appropriate, Kartika's boy-friend's friend came up with it: The Blindly Airborne. We've never played again. Partha and i have, we will always, Kartika stopped talking to me properly for a while. And then reality hit us like a truck, we were supposed to be studying, not jamming. Partha failed in Chemistry. I almost passed in nearly everything, the rest followed as they had since times immemorial, i make up my mind, my mind makes up excuses and then the last minute marathons begin. Damn, it's 1:18 AM on the day after christmas, tomorrow's a holiday when i'm going to try to study. That's it for my first blog. Good morning.